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Prospective Parent Tours 

We are happy that you would like to visit Claygate Primary School for a tour, giving you the opportunity to see our school in action and hear about the experiences and opportunities we provide for the children. The best advertisement for our school is the children and their achievements.

Places on each tour are limited and if we are oversubscribed on any particular day, we may need to contact you to move your visit. The tour will last approximately 1 hour.

We have the following scheduled tours:

Wednesday 25 Sept at 9.40am (Full)

Wednesday 2 Oct at 1.30pm

Friday 11 Oct at 1.30pm (Full)

Tuesday 15 Oct at 9.40am (Full)

Thursday 7 Nov at 9.40am

Book your tour date here

These events are aimed primarily at families looking for a place in Acorns Nursery (available the term after they turn 2) or Reception in September 2024.  However, if you are looking for a school place for an older child, you are still welcome to attend but please contact us at so we can ensure that you receive relevant tour and information.

In addition, you are welcome to watch our Virtual School Tour which we hope will give you an insight into what life is like here at Claygate Primary - watch it here.

You can hear about the children's experiences at Claygate Primary School here.

For other Prospective Parents, e.g. for families new to the area or in-year admissions, please contact the school on 01372 465348 or for further information. 

Admission to Reception

Children are admitted at the beginning of the school year in which they become five, and are offered a full-time place in September.

As a Foundation school, Claygate Primary School is its own admissions authority, but in common with most Foundation schools, has delegated the operation of admissions to the Local Authority, Surrey County Council.  To find up to date admissions arrangements and details about how to apply, either as part of the normal admissions intake or during the school year, follow this link to the admissions pages of Surrey's website.

For children joining the school in Reception in September, we arrange an induction programme during the preceding summer term which is designed to make the transition to ‘big school' as smooth as possible.

We are pleased to show prospective parents around the school by appointment.    Please contact the school office and a member of the admin team will be happy to let you know the arrangements. 

If your child was born between 1 April - 31 August, please click here for some useful advice about them starting school.

Admission to other year groups:

Prospective parents with children in other year groups should also contact the office for up-to-date information, we will be pleased to offer your child a place if we have one in the relevant year group.

As for entry in Reception, Surrey is the Admissions Authority, and the offer of a place will therefore come from the Local Authority rather than the school.  Information about in-year admissions is available from Surrey's website by following the link above.