Anti-Bullying at CPS
Claygate Primary School is a happy and caring school where expectations of behaviour are high. We provide a safe and positive learning environment within which we seek to develop a mutually supportive culture where children can understand and express their feelings and respect those of others. We aim to build a community based on partnership with parents, children, staff, governors and the wider community underpinned by our Claygate Values:
Safe and healthy
In providing a safe environment for children, the school does not tolerate any form of bullying behaviour, including repeated acts of aggression and/or discrimination. All acts of bullying are taken seriously and will be dealt with in accordance with our anti-bullying policy.
As a school we are proud to hold our annual Friendship Week (every November) with a range of workshops, activities, circle times and assemblies to raise awareness, promote a culture of inclusion and acceptance, and highlight the impact of bullying and the role we all take in preventing it. This is supported by our Jigsaw P.S.H.E. curriculum through which children learn the value of diversity, difference and acceptance and our weekly program of whole school assemblies.
We also teach an explicit block on Anti-Bullying and friendship through our enrichment program. This ‘M-FIT' (mental fitness) block is delivered by two of our trained ELSAs.
Our Anti-Bullying Policy
Our school’s Anti-Bullying Policy is reviewed and updated annually to incorporate feedback from pupils, staff, parents and members of the school community. You can access a copy on the following link or alternatively paper copies are available from the school office.
Please click here to view the Anti-bullying Policy.
In addition, we have a "child-friendly" version of this policy, which has been written by and for the children of Claygate Primary School, which summaries the key information in a simple and visual way. You can access a copy of this document here and paper copies are available in classrooms and from the school office. There are copies in every classroom.
Please click here to view the Children's Anti-Bullying Policy.
If you would like to be involved in reviewing and shaping our school’s anti-bullying policy please consider joining our Parent Forum, or we would be pleased to receive your thoughts via email ( We also ask parents to participate in surveys to give feedback on elements of the school organisation, including anti-bullying and behaviour.
If you have a concern about bullying
Members of the school community can report incidents of bullying through:
Pupils |
Parents and Carers |
In the first instance any concerns should be addressed to a child’s class teacher via:
If the child’s class teacher is unavailable or in the event of a serious allegation parents can also contact a member of the Pastoral Team using the methods outlined above. Parents are encouraged to report any concerns to the school in the first instance rather than seek to address incidents themselves. |
Key members of staff:
Mrs Hilary Ali: Deputy Headteacher, DSL and Anti-Bullying Lead
Miss Nicki Hoy: School Council Lead and Anti-Bullying Co-Lead
Mrs Steph Evans: ELSA
Mrs Angela Eke: ELSA
Mrs Sarah Thomas: ELSA
Useful links and Resources
Anti-Bullying Alliance Support for Parents & Carers
National Bullying Helpline