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At CPS we create an Oracy rich environment where every child’s voice is valued.

Our children will be able to reason, negotiate, present and explore ideas, drawing on their broad vocabulary. Explicit teaching of Oracy ensures children are supported in their learning across the curriculum and prepares them for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum and classrooms are designed to be rich in talk, from effective questioning to constructive peer discussions and teachers use talk skilfully to develop and encourage critical thinking.

Oracy skills are taught explicitly during dedicated oracy lessons, as well as embedding oracy in all aspects of the school’s culture, weaving it through the curriculum.

During these lessons pupils are taught listening skills, vocabulary and discussion techniques. They have the opportunity to experience a range of talking styles – from exploratory talk to presentational talk. At CPS we use the Oracy Framework that was developed by The University of Cambridge and Voice 21.

This framework breaks oracy into four strands.

• Physical

• Cognitive

• Linguistic

• Social and Emotional

This framework allows both staff and pupils to understand what makes good spoken communication. The four strands enable successful discussion, inspiring speech and effective communication. The framework is used by staff to give feedback and assess progress. Pupils use the framework to self-assess, peer-assess and talk about talk.