Year 4
The Year 4 Team
Cassie Dobson
Michael Godfrey

Welcome to Year 4
We are incredibly excited for a fun and fulfilling academic year. There will be many exciting opportunities for the children to be challenged and motivated, as well as develop their independence and resilience.
In History in Year 4, we first study the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire before focusing on Roman Britain, looking at the culture and legacy that was left behind. We will then learn about Christianity in 3 Empires, Arabia and Cordoba. In Geography, we delve into the Rhine and Mediterranean, population, coastal processes, before exploring the concept of tourism and discover the devastation and wonder of earthquakes and how people adapt to life in deserts. Children will incorporate lots of outdoor learning in the summer term for Geography; utilising our Woodland Learning Zone. Trips throughout the year will help enrich children’s understanding of what they have learnt.
You can find a topic web covering all our focused learning throughout the year here too.
We hope throughout Year 4 the children will achieve a Pen Licence and develop great confidence with their multiplication knowledge of all times tables up to 12, ready for the MTC (Multiplication Times Table Check) later in the year.
The Year 4 curriculum builds on what children have already learnt in KS1 and Year 3 and inspires our pupils to achieve the very best they can throughout the year and their school life.
Please find a video below explaining the multiplication tables check (MTC), which children will sit in the summer term of Year 4.